Category: Education

2023 Villa of Hope School Graduation Ceremony

Jay Gullo: a warm welcome for 34 years
. . . and always a fresh perspectiveFor all who have passed through the Villa’s doors – youth, adults, and families – Jay Gullo has been the first friendly face they have met, throughout his 34 years with the Villa,

Villa of Hope Bookfair at Barnes & Noble to Benefit our School Library!
It’s so much fun to spread joy and cheer this holiday year! On December 1st, come out and listen to our students from Villa of Hope School as they perform and showcase their artwork. A portion of the sales received on December 1st and December 3rd will directly

Villa of Hope Selected as 2022 Beneficiary for MEG’s Gift
The MEG’s Gift Board selected the Villa of Hope as its primary beneficiary of fundraising efforts in 2022. MEG’s Gift is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity created in 2015 by the family of Megan Elizabeth Garbach (MEG), to honor her

Why our Staff Loves working at Villa of Hope
What is your name? Elizabeth Leykin, LMSW. Also know as “Lizzie” What is your role here at the Villa? Clinical Supervisor How long have you worked here? Can you tell us more about your role and background? I’ve worked

Villa of Hope strengthens all-women executive team